This is the rules :
1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this
♥ Lagi asik minum soya bean milk. sambil online. hahaha. soya bean milk itu menu sarapan saya tiap pagi. kadang plus kue ato roti. kadang ya cm itu ae. jarang maem nasi ato yg berat berat kalo pagi :P eh. eh. gelas kyuu lucu kan *halah. pamer. hahahaha*
TAG ke : selalu. bingung. hahaha. ngutang ah :P
Lanjut ke pe-er dan award selanjutnya saja yah. hahahaha. Ini dapet award. ato apa yah ini. gk tw dengan pasti. rancu si :P dapet dari Ika Gema. makasih yah dear :]
Someday, everything will make perfect sense.
So laugh at the confusion.. Smile through the tears..
Keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a purpose.
Something to make you smile: if you smile when no one is around, you really mean it.
Smile and be happy!
FYI : pas terima award ini pagi pagi. jujur kemaren malem nya aku sempat bad mood. bete gaje gt la. there something annoying me. hik. hik. but thanks a lot bwat Ran. my cutie buddy yang dah mw repot repot kasi support bwat aku. hehehe. thank you dear.
Mmm. lanjut lagi. dapet double award ni. dari Cendol the owner nya award ini sendiri luoh yang ngasi aku award. terharu. hahahah. dan dapet lagi dari Ra. makasi yah :D
"This appreciation is aimed for whoever still having lucky certain love relations, have millions memories and billions stories behind it. Possibly also had something's overturned of
the date figure? Let us know what your unforgotten periods have!"
RULES : 1. Everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post.
2. Everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well.
NOTES : These award are under license of Cindy Perdana Computeria & Fediani Putri Andarini so you must certify that you have the right to distribute & you do not violate the rules. Contact person: Cindy (candle) /Fediani (hana)
Okay. pertama liat award ini. triple seven. malah langsung keinget sm sinyo kyu. inget tattoo dia lebi tepat nya hahahaha :P
♥ Tatto pertama si cuma 777 polos tanpa background. trus awal taon ini ditambahin lagi tuh pake background magenta hahaha. sempat dikira sama temen nya itu cuma dicorat coret pake spidoool. hahaha. kasiaaan. padahal kn itu tatto permanent :P
Back to award lagi deh. hahaha. mmm. recent love story yah. phew. gile seminggu ini. dah tiga orang yg tanya soal love life aku. biasanya si aku gk banyak cerita. nyaris no comment si hahaha. Biz nya love life aku ya cm kaya gitu gitu ae. manis asyem asin. kaya nano nano la :P menurut aku malah gk terlalu fun bwat di share hahahaha. Sedikit review taon ini si no boyfriend story and scandal kaya taon lalu *iih. apaan si hahaha. lebay* mmm. mungkin lebi ke love family. love lil bro. love bff. besties. buddy. bla bla bla. hahaha.
TAG ke : phew. banyak banget yah. aku bingung mw nge tag kesiapa saja huhuhu
aku bingung. gini deh. aku jadi in satu smwa ae yah. jadi total borongan ada tiga pe-er. bwat temen temen yang dah pernah bikin. ya bikin yang belum ae. klo gk pernah dapet pe-er kaya gini. ya monggo smwa nya dikerjakan hahaha. okay :D
jadi saya memutuskan TAG ke :
Ika Gema . Rollz. Juneou. Nissa. Ra. Candle . Dewi Zhuo. Mindy. Rinnie. Jeanne.
9 komentar:
waahh.. udah dikerjain..
cute pic nya..
gelas + orang nya juga (^^,)*
soya bean milk nya bikin sendiri atau beli nih? hehe..
hehehe. iya photo narsis pagi pagi :P
soya bean milk nya langganan gt. tiap pagi dianter ke hum hehehe
gelasnya lucu bnget,
btw tatto adiknya gaul tuch,warnanya gwe suka, cerah gtu..^^
hehehe. thank you yulia :]
heh. tattoo sinyo aku gaul yah?! hahaha. iya warna nya ijo dan magenta gt.
quite colorfull :P
uda pernah bikin buk... ^^
di blog sayah... artikel paling bawah... ^^
oh dah pernah bikin yah. hahaha :P
waaah.. habis ngasih PR dikasih award.. baru baca bener2 neh..
thanks ya Di (^^,)*
you're welcome jeanne :]
hv nice day
Tattoonya kayaknya pernah liat..
namannya danang/jonk bukan??
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