Sudah. sudah. intermezzo nya. lanjut ke topik utama yah :D saya coba coba click click >>> Doubutsu Uranai and here the result : *yang menurut aku 70% bener euy!! hehehe. hayyoo. langsung penasaran pengen nyoba ndiri kn. hehehe*
You are Black Sheep who has soft sensitive atmosphere and kind of feminine attraction. waduh. perlu terharu gak seh. kalo saya ini lembut dan tampak begitu anggun. hahaha. yang gk setuju pasti langsung mual biz baca ini hahahaha :P You are not shy even towards men, and are very sociable. uik. uik. gk malu?! *moga moga gk malu maluin ah. hehehe* dan sangat ramah. oh yah?! what do you think liao?? But unlike the atmosphere you possess, you are not that romantic and dreamy. You are extremely realistic in that you try to build a steady business and safe family. langsung senyum senyum sendiri dah. hahaha. kuakui. diriku bukanlah romantic type person. mmm. kok bisa beda sama aura dan atmosphere ku yang kaya nya cewe dan romantic bangeeet yah. hahahaha. soal realistic. mmm. kayanya si bener. temen aku dulu pernah bilang kalo aku terlalu mikir pake logika. so?!
You have great will power, and are very strong woman. You can manipulate men tactfully. You can serve them well to make them successful in life, and you will not easily give up half way. mmm. nyata nya adalah. aku memang terlihat kuat di luar. tapi rapuh di dalam nya. hik. hik. *omg. drama queen banget seh* truz. truz. emang segitunya yah aku bisa menghasut orang. waduh bakat sales ini kayanya. hehehe. tapi Nevertheless, if it is about yourself, you tend to be loose, selfish and indecisive. nah luoh. kyaaa. am i ?? hahahaha. You can make objective decisions, and will not be influenced by emotions. uik. uik. keren iki. seetuujuuu :D napa. gk percaya yah?! kadang memang qta perlu melihat sesuatu dari sudut pandang yang berbeda kn. serius. dan sepertinya saya gk emosian kok. wek. hehehe
While you place importance on harmony of the people, you do not forget to subtly promoting yourself. Therefore, you tend to have wide contact of people from early age. eh ini maksude apa. promosi diri sendiri tah hehehe. You possess both dark and light side of personality, and that character comes out according to situation. yuhuuu. saya punya dua sisi kepribadian luoh. la. la. la. sepertinya begitu adanya. saya yang bitchy. saya yang kalem. saya yang rese. saya yang fun. hahaha. duh. duh. apa ini artinya saya punya alter ego kah?? You can feel sorry for something, but you tend to be obstinate and not able to adapt to people around you. mmm. really ?? tapi mw gk mw. harus belajar beradaptasi kan. sisanya. ouch. why so serious? hahaha
You have rather strong maternal feelings towards men, and tend to take too much care of them.This makes other people feel being interfered. So you should be careful. heh?! masa seh. kayanya aku gk se care itu la. peduli ya tetap peduli la. tapi pada akhirnya keputusan ada di tangan mereka. itu hidup mereka dan hidup itu pilihan kan :P After getting married, you will work hard on cores, and become a good wife. Although, you become devoted to your husband, when both of you get to middle age, your relationship may change, so you need to think up something to avoid such situation. mmm. married life memang gk segampang itu kn. qta gk hidup sm couple qta cuma bwat lima. sepuluh. limabelas tahun kn. se umur hidup!! ketika bukan cuma aku. dan kamu. tapi kita :D dan cinta itu mungkin tidak lagi datang begitu saja seperti dulu. tetapi adalah sesuatu yang di usaha kan. di usaha kan. kita berdua. mmm. *sotoy nya kumad yah. hehehe*
So. apakah teman teman sudah mencoba. bagaimana hasilnya?! cocok kah :]
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