♥ credit : glitter and dirt
Enjoy another Saturday Nite with friends. benernya si sama mm gk bole pigi. kn masi sakit. belum sembuh. tapi ya suda saya tetep nekat berangkat. pake long sleeve plus scarf. hahaha. biar tetep hangat terkena angin malam. LOL
Dinner at XO suki Tunjungan Plaza. asik maem kuah kuah. maklum lagi sakit. kalo sehat mah enakan maem gorengan dan es krim hihihi. biz dinner mw lanjut karaoke. tapi apa daya full. akhirnya lanjut ke Cat Pj. horaaay!!
ps : and so happy tonite. because i can see his smile again! maap merepotkan :P
4 komentar:
Heloo Diiii -ang... miss youu babe.. long time no see
heebat, lagi sakit2 masi k cat Pj..
cepet sembuuh non.. yuuk kapan2 pegi lagiii...
miss you too :)
hahaha. but believe me, i feel better and enjoy that night at cat pj. hehehe
ayuuk ayuuk saaay. maaauu!! hehehe
ahahaha oia, great ya, drpd ke dokter mending k cat pj
hohoho asik asik... ayukk d nanti aku atur ama si lia jg, itu miss busy huahahhaa
kapan nganggur say?
kalo aku si bisa diatur beib. kapan.
hehehe. minta contact number nya yaaaa...
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