Akhirnya nonton juga Breaking Dawn part II si seri terakhir dari Twilight series. suka gak suka tapi pilem ini disebut sebagai salah satu franchise paling sukses dalam dekade ini luoh. Kalo aku pribadi si bukan fans berat pilem ini, yang pasti seri pertama aku gk nonton, seri lainnya bisa dibilang mulai membosankan. Kayanya baru di Breaking Dawn part I mulai menarik. hihihi. dan. part II wajib nonton! Why?! Niatan awal si mau liat si Jacob. yeah. I'm Jacob team. tapi langsung berpindah hati sama si Garrett. ciyus. keren abis. iiih. melting :')
Lee Pace as Garrett. Oh why you so hot. WHY. huakakakaka. Pokoknya jadi langsung ngefans seketika melupakan si Jacob. Tapi Jacob unyu banget si pas berubah jadi serigala. So fluffy pengen peluuuk. hihihi
Minggu, 18 November 2012
Jumat, 16 November 2012
are you still there watching me
Jujur blog ini uda cukup lama terbengkalai. Sempat kepikiran untuk berhenti ngeblog ato bikin blog baru. Tapi tetep aja buntut buntutnya balik lagi kesini berasa cinta lama bersemi kembali. huakakaka. Yg baca blog ini tentu aja makin lama makin dikit. Palingan juga mereka yg nyasar mampir gara gara search di google. Sempat si kepikiran bwat aktif ngeblog lagi, post daily fashion wardrobe or anything fun la. Pengen beli tripod mini dan memory card baru. Entah siapa yg mau liat juga gk jelas. Tapi HUH?! siapa yg peduli. Yang penting saya suka. Besok la ato lusa ato kapan deh beli dulu properti motret nya hihihi. Anggap saja bikin dairy online dari masa ke masa *ketcup mesra
Selasa, 13 November 2012
Sabtu, 10 November 2012
holiday season
Yay! Starbuck Holiday beverage is BACK. you should try their cranberry oatmeal cookies. Super enuk. Serius aku sampe ketagihan. Gak sampe seminggu uda ludes itu setoples. aku sendirian yg mamam hahahaha. Photo edited by Line Camera posted on my IG. please follow : dianaangrelia
Rabu, 07 November 2012
Senin, 05 November 2012
Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
almost over
Terakhir ngeblog itu JULY akhir. sekarang uda OCTOBER akhir. duh cepet banget ya kayanya. Ntar lagi uda mau taon baru aja. dan jujur aku sibuk pengen holiday. tapi entah kemana. hahahaha. pokoknya holiday gt la. by the way HOW'S life. nothing special. kerjaan ya puji Tuhan lancar lancar makin rame. makin rempong hahahaha. Daily life. aih uda bolos gym sebulan ini. payah. ntar bulan depan lagi dah hahaha. makin ndud gk kuyus kuyus. kluyuran hepi hepi uda jarang. lebi sering di hum. Love life. just like an old time. still looking for my prince in the right time. hahaha. somehow i feel alone. but. no. i'm not lonely.
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
holiday is over
Hey. I back to blogging again. Sorry for being MIA. miss in action. hahaha. Here is few random holiday picture last August in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Btw you can stalk me in instagram : DianaAngrelia
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
the one that got away
In another life. I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises be us against the world
In another life. I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
We'd keep all our promises be us against the world
In another life. I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
-- The one that got away ~ by : Katy Perry --
ps : thank you for coming again. thank you for proving you're not liar. but. i don't love you. i don't trust you like i did yesterday. but. yes. i still love you. little bit. maybe. in another life. sorry.
Minggu, 29 Juli 2012
grocery shop
Do grocery shopping with family on sunday. It is super fun. I just notice Ranch Market on Basra had cute stuff too see hahaha. And rainbow chocolate on second pic is look so yummy. All photo taken by instagram. Stalk me there for update : dianaangrelia. Happy sunday everyone!
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012
Selasa, 24 Juli 2012
keep your head up
It's never easy to keep your head up while some shit happen. And stand through July is not easy as you think especially at end of the month. They said feeling change, yeah people move on because life is never stop. I already moved on *okay. maybe. not feel so sure. sigh. But somehow I feel I'm not going anywhere still stuck in here waiting for something unseeing which some named faithful. I believe in God. I believe sadness is temporary but who were in happiness now, beware of something called fake happiness. So better not easy judging first because you won't know what happen next in God script. Just pray and God know the best. God bless and my prayer always be with you my blog reader :*
Senin, 23 Juli 2012
ipang tonite
Dinner with Helen at IPANG east coast. Super yummy and I love the their spicy level taste good to me. By the way East Coast becoming my another favorite place. There's few cozy place to stay for a while. Not so crowded and feel homy. Starbucks. Chatime. BonAmi bakery. XXI. Solaria. ah is it good enough for place nearly home. hahahahaha
Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012
kinki ryusaki
Oh my godnees. She is barbie doll! Currently in love with this malaysian tattoo artist. Kinki Ryusaki who inked since 16yo. Pretty yet sweet asian barbie doll is cute but with tattoo is another level. Get know more about her artwork at here
Jumat, 20 Juli 2012
the dark knight rises
Wohoooo!! I'm super excited with this movie. Batman is back in The Dark Knight Rises on July 20. Bane is great villain even somehow I still miss Joker he is an icon hahahaha *ketauan kalo fans-nya Joker.
A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as
simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulders,
to let him know the world hadn’t ended.
Rabu, 18 Juli 2012
keiko again
Another wednesday nite with friends. Lot's of laugh and stories at Kedai Kopi as known as KEIKO. This place become our favorite to hanging out at least to enjoy glass of beer before it's become forbidden thing. And the best part is their french fries. It is super delicious you should try it.
Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012
today shopping
Summer Sale is everywhere. I'm so excited even buy nothing from SALE selection. This stripes shirt isn't sale yet the price is only IDR 169K or something *i forgot. hahahaha. By the way stalking on my Instagram : dianaangrelia. I'm still newbie but see you there ladies!
Jumat, 13 Juli 2012
Senin, 09 Juli 2012
the flower of war
This movie is based on novel 13 flowers of Nanjing by Geiling Yang. Brutal yet beautiful historical drama. Your heart would cry. This dark history of China which as known as The
Nanking Massacre. 145 minutes duration is worth and I think you should watch it.
Senin, 02 Juli 2012
june morning
Life is begin on July. I start over my schedule now. Wake up on five then going to daily mass and going to gym. I'm so excited enjoy my morning routine. Hello June, please be nice!
Minggu, 01 Juli 2012
etude nymph aura
Gara gara abis dari Korea centil centil-an deh pake BB cream merk Odbo trus nyoba juga Nymph Aura. Ini benernya sejenis volumer gt campuran 1 : 3 dengan bb cream. Kalo aku pribadi si suka secara muka ku kering kn jadi unyu gt rasanya punya muka seger rada shining. kinclong kaya muka Syahrini. Kata mami aku muka dia kaya ada neon nya. syeger hahahahaha
Kamis, 28 Juni 2012
Senin, 25 Juni 2012
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
calais artisan bubble milk tea
What I wore : Stripes Ruffle Dress ~ GAUDI. Leopard Blue Cardigan ~ TOPSHOP. Leather Bracelet ~ CZYbabe. White Bag ~ SEMBONIA
Aha. Ignore my annoying face. My friend told me this pic is so alay. huakakaka. Bubble milk tea become one of new trend here. TeaPresso. Chatime and Calais is new bubble milk tea in this city. They have super sweet taste so I usually make order with 50% sugar and less ice. Perfect for me!
Most of them is only little stand and don't have bigger place bwat nongkri nongkri. Jadi sejenis take away aja gt. Kalo mau duduk ya duduk di food court ajah hahahaha. Tapi kalo Calais punya tempat duduuuuk luoh hahaha. So far this place is best *ya iya la. yg laen gk bisa duduk hihihi
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