Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

inside us

we stop looking for monsters under the bed when we realize they're inside of us

Senin, 25 Juni 2012

monster in paris

I expect more but the soundtrack is awesome. Monster in Paris

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

calais artisan bubble milk tea

What I wore : Stripes Ruffle Dress ~ GAUDI. Leopard Blue Cardigan ~ TOPSHOP. Leather Bracelet ~ CZYbabe. White Bag ~ SEMBONIA
Aha. Ignore my annoying face. My friend told me this pic is so alay. huakakaka. Bubble milk tea become one of new trend here. TeaPresso. Chatime and Calais is new bubble milk tea in this city. They have super sweet taste so I usually make order with 50% sugar and less ice. Perfect for me!

Most of them is only little stand and don't have bigger place bwat nongkri nongkri. Jadi sejenis take away aja gt. Kalo mau duduk ya duduk di food court ajah hahahaha. Tapi kalo Calais punya tempat duduuuuk luoh hahaha. So far this place is best *ya iya la. yg laen gk bisa duduk hihihi

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

kicked out from comfort zone for almost four years

I change my theme on blogger. OMG. OMG. gilaaa serius puyeng banget ngurusin ini blog theme.  Nyaris tiga jam. Gelaa. Lama banget. Keliatan gapteknya dah. Niat hati pengen bikin satu kolom tapi hasilnya malah acak adut gk karuan. Balik lah ke dua kolom tapi lebi lebar. Theme yang kemaren si uda seneng banget suka banget secara hampir empat taon pake theme itu. Tapi blogspot alay ini bikin aku gk bisa gedein photo secara manual. Foto terpaksa jadi mini gk asik. Jadi gimana?! BAGUSAAAAN mana???

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

may i ask you something

Hey you my blogger reader. May I ask you something?! Answer is must *rada maksa. hahaha. Kalian lebi suka baca blog ku ini pake bahasa Inggris. bahasa Indonesia. ato. acak adut aja. kadang Inggris kadang Indo campur campur ???? dan mengapa? 

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

her name is fahrani empel

I love Fahrani Empel. An Indonesian Model who goes international. 
She is rock!

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

hypnotized by your destiny

It's hard to don't give a fuck if you still care of him. But I don't know how to keep stand for what I choose to believing. Yeah I'm tired of all these shit. Somehow everything just falling apart.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

just another annoying duck face

Pardon my duck face. Hahahaha. My hair just blown me. I think I need new haircut soon.

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

movie time lockout

Movie time with friends. Lockout is great. Prison in outer space looks cool right?! hahaha. I wore my new stripes dress from H&M and it's so comfy