Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

calais artisan bubble milk tea

What I wore : Stripes Ruffle Dress ~ GAUDI. Leopard Blue Cardigan ~ TOPSHOP. Leather Bracelet ~ CZYbabe. White Bag ~ SEMBONIA
Aha. Ignore my annoying face. My friend told me this pic is so alay. huakakaka. Bubble milk tea become one of new trend here. TeaPresso. Chatime and Calais is new bubble milk tea in this city. They have super sweet taste so I usually make order with 50% sugar and less ice. Perfect for me!

Most of them is only little stand and don't have bigger place bwat nongkri nongkri. Jadi sejenis take away aja gt. Kalo mau duduk ya duduk di food court ajah hahahaha. Tapi kalo Calais punya tempat duduuuuk luoh hahaha. So far this place is best *ya iya la. yg laen gk bisa duduk hihihi

1 komentar:

Outbound di Malang mengatakan...

Kunci keberhasilan adalah menanamkan kebiasaan sepanjang hidup Anda untuk melakukan hal - hal yang Anda takuti.
tetap semangat tinggi untuk jalani hari ini ya gan ! ditunggu kunjungannya :D