Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

almost over

Terakhir ngeblog itu JULY akhir. sekarang uda OCTOBER akhir. duh cepet banget ya kayanya. Ntar lagi uda mau taon baru aja. dan jujur aku sibuk pengen holiday. tapi entah kemana. hahahaha. pokoknya holiday gt la. by the way HOW'S life. nothing special. kerjaan ya puji Tuhan lancar lancar makin rame. makin rempong hahahaha. Daily life. aih uda bolos gym sebulan ini. payah. ntar bulan depan lagi dah hahaha. makin ndud gk kuyus kuyus. kluyuran hepi hepi uda jarang. lebi sering di hum. Love life. just like an old time. still looking for my prince in the right time. hahaha. somehow i  feel alone. but. no. i'm not lonely.

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

holiday is over

Hey. I back to blogging again. Sorry for being MIA. miss in action. hahaha. Here is few random holiday picture last August in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Btw you can stalk me in instagram : DianaAngrelia

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

the one that got away

In another life. I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises be us against the world

In another life. I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away

-- The one that got away ~ by : Katy Perry --

ps : thank you for coming again. thank you for proving you're not liar. but. i don't love you. i don't trust you like i did yesterday. but. yes. i still love you. little bit. maybe. in another life. sorry.