Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

go to bed

Hahaha. That happen to me! menceng menceng kalo bubu hahaha. By the way I love my new ringtone kalo ada bbm masuk pagi pagi dari customer. That is such my new wake up call! Okay ringtone nya sedikit alay untuk bbm alert : Love you like a love song. hahahaha

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

cupcake by feronika ang

Mmm. Kalo nanya nanya sama temen beli cupcake dmana rata rata si jawabnya ya itu yg di PTC hahaha. Pengen si tapi jauh amaat yah di ujung. Hum aku di ujung satunya. Ntar deh kalo maen daerah barat hehehe. Trus kalo gitu kamu beli dimana Diana?? beli di Feronika Ang! hahahaha iya Fero nya MasterChef itu. Kenal fero si uda dua taon-an gt. Dulu qta sering becandaan kalo qta tuh sodara gara gara sama sama ada nama Ang-nya hihihi. So far uda tiga kali si order sama dia kalo dia pas di Surabaya dan open order hehehehe. Tapi kalo lagi pengen trus dia di Jakarta gmn dwooonk :(

That's why I asked where I can buy another yummy cupcake hehehehe

ps : itu red velvet dan blue velvet bikinan si fero. warna nya gk gonjreng soalnya dia bilang gk pake banyak pewarna gt hehehe. I love her cupcakes! kecanduan iya hihihi. Lupa dah kalo uda gweeeendud skrg

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

why goodbye

I can't see good in our goodbye and somehow keep wondering why. I feel like redying now. But maybe all I want is to see you happy even I'm no longer being the part. Stay strong Diana I whisper to my self

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

chaneling syahrini

Bermain main dengan kalung kalung dari koleksi Cheezybabe Shop hahaha. Ada yg comment kalo foto ini sesuatu banget yah hahaha. Ada juga yg tanya apa gk berat itu pergi jalan pake kalung sebanyak itu hihihi. Okay okay stop it! Itu cm foto iseng aja dan cm foto foto di hum. Pas pigi jalan tentu aja tanpa smwa kalung itu. Hey itu kan barang jualaaan hahaha

ps : yang pasti abis pajang foto ini. gk sampe seminggu itu kalung kalung *aku pake tiga set kalung. LAKU! hahahaha

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

craving for cupcake

I'm craving for cupcake!!! Duh duh kalo di Surabaya beli dimana yah? Yg enuk gt bwat dimamam sendiri. Gak butuh yg unyu unyu hiasannya. Yang standar aja. Any recommended babe? Mmm. Terus kalo di Jakarta dimana? Sapa tw dalem taon ini aku bisa punya kesempatan maen maen ke Jakarta lagi hihihi

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

you can add

All these pretty bracelet is new collection of Cheezybabe Shop. Check their whole collection click click HERE and get updates by add PIN : 27EBE550

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

behind sarcasm

Ya ampyuun. Akhir akhir ini kok kayanya aku dikelilingin sama orang orang yang rada gk nyambung yah sama aku. Kayanya ngomong sama mereka itu sesuatu banget gt deh. Uuuh. Kalo uda kaya gini yg ada malah kangen sama ex bf tapi juga gk mungkin qta bisa ngobrol kaya dulu lagi. Secara sekarang uda musuhan dan lost contact. Hiks jadi sedih *pengen mewek. Heeeelp aku gk mw jadi rude kaya si Jura luoh hahaha

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


After I broke with my ex bf somehow I feel like back in 2009 now. Two year ago before knew him. Yeah now we are totally back to be stranger and don't know each other. Sound pathetic but there's nothing I can do but the best for him. By the way not exactly same or deja vu. Something different but almost same. I meet or maybe just contact again with people who really important for me for those moment like my best friends or my aunt. my crush even my another ex bf hahaha. I feel like living in 2009. Kinda funny yet fun but I'll make this year for better ending. I wish *wink

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

in love with her

if somebody finds me attractive. God bless them — Milla Kunis

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

moves moves

You say I’m a kid. My ego is big
I don’t give a shit and it goes like this
Take me by the tongue and I’ll know you
Kiss me ’til you’re drunk and I’ll show you
Baby it’s hard when you feel like you’re broken and scarred
Nothing feels right but when you’re with me
I make you believe

Moves Like Jaggers — Maroon 5 feat Christina Aguilera