you don't need me but you won't leave me. my love's too big for you my love. oh. my love's too big for you my love. and if i was stronger then i would tell you no. and if i was stronger then i would leave this show. and if i was stronger then i would up and go. but here i am and here we go again.
-- sort of - by - ingrid michaelson
tadi siang dia dateng. jengukin aku yg lagi sakit mungkin ya. cakep. pake polo biru. kacamata baru frame hitam armani. makin ganteng. suit for him. jalan nya rada bungkuk kaya biasa. tapi muka ku kucel. gk make up. mungkin dia langsung ilfil. ah bodo amat. lagi sakit kok. hih! tapi aku seneng si dijenguk. dia tiga jam dsini. nonton tivi. maem bareng. maen ipad. dan. untuk sesaat aku lupa klo dia bukan kepunyaan aku ;(