Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


Happy Sunday baby :) how's your sunday by the way? I spend with family quality time. hahaha. Pagi pagi ke gereja. Abis itu lanjut pulang gereja beli jajan dan nasi bungkus yg dijual di gereja. Siang pulang trus mamam itu nasi deh. Nonton tipi bentar trus lanjut ke Galaxy Mall mw nonton. Yihaaa!! asik asik :D
Beli tiket dulu trus nyemil bakso *iih. maem mulu yah. hahaha. jalan jalan liat liat aksesoris. baju dan toko teddy bear yg baru buka. lucu pwol. boneka teddy nya macam macam bentuk dan ukuran gt. ada baju baju lucu nya pula!!
Mmmm. kalo soal film. This is one of my fave action movie :)
Hahahaha. Aku suka! aku suka sekali. action nya. pemaen multi ras nya juga cakep cakep. Jalan ceritanya. eaaa. eaaa. aku suka deh pokoknya. Apalagi pas scene si Hayden pake tanktop putih maen piano trus liat tattoo nya si Hayden Christensen. hahaha *lebay

6 komentar:

Shirley mengatakan...

love your blog, thank you for sharing! is Takers really good? i haven't watched it, but i will.


Agustina Selviana mengatakan...

i haven't watched it,but i think it's a good movie. thanks for your comment! feel free for follow me and check my new post!

♥ Selvi,

Lia Waroka Putri mengatakan...

wow thanks for sharing! will be checking this film out =D hv a great November dear!

Becky Tjandera mengatakan...

Haha love that movie too . Well actually I love watching Hayden , not the movie :P

Unknown mengatakan...

nice post:)

Stevia mengatakan...

that is one good movie
except the fact that almost everybody died
unhappy ending is just plain sad
