Sedikit kecewa. karena gk dapet ijin sama mommy bwat ke
Belitung - transit
- Jakarta selama sepuluh hari. Diajak sama temen gt. Katanya uda dari
Singapore ngabisin duit banyak. Padahal kalo aku liburan di dalam negri kan bayar pake duit sendiri :(
Tapi ya sudala tak apa. Stock barangku juga masi banyak. Aku dah gk sabar pengen cari duit lagi dan dapet duit yg banyak hihihi. Let's back to work baby :D
4 komentar:
Hey thanks for the comment :)
Cute pic and btw nice blog :)
hey thanks for ur comment:)
nice blog mind to follow and link me?:)
xoxo kelly
nice blog, btw i checked ur online shop, a bit interested with the necklace :D
you're welcome sweetheart :)
michelle : you just simply text msg to contact person when you want to order :D
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