Kamis, 23 April 2009

bikin pe-er

Malem. malem. bikin pe-er dulu. dari Novilia dan Enjii :D

what is your current obsession? mmm. cute and more cute skirt. yay!! hehehe

what is your weirdest obsession? all new camry. with. gorgeous 20" velg. oh em gee. super duper awesome !! hahaha * tapi yang ada langsung di tunjeeg sama mm ya toh* uuh. i wish. i wish. hahaha. but. too weird. hell yeah. i knew :P

what are you wearing today? white leopard print by Body and Soul. gray ruffles skirt by ZARA. nothing special :D

what’s for dinner today? tahu tek. pake telor. lombok dua yah :]

why is today special? asik. asik. smwa nya bisa pigi hv fun next sunday. mari kita bergembira bersama sama. hahahaha

what would you like to learn to do? mmm. belajar nyetir mobil sedan yang panjang panjang gt. yang kalo aku yang nyetir. keliatan gede mobil nya aja. aku nya gk keliatan hahaha. and automatic hihihi. maluw ~ maklum i am manual driver :P

what’s the last thing you bought? Greatest hits ~ Enrique Eglesias. oh em gee. akhirnya kuputuskan membeli lagi. mmm. iya ini aku uda beli kali kedua nya. yang pertama. ada di Randy soalnya. huhuhu

what are you listening to right now? In Between Dreams ~ Jack Johnson. bwat Toto. thank you yah. lagu lagu nya enuk enuk. hahaha. kapan kapan rampok ipod touch kamu lagi ah. hahaha :P

what is your favorite weather? summer !! whoaa. i heart summer. summer sale. summer atmosphere. hahaha. dan menurut quiz di fesbuk. what season are you. jawaban nya juga summer luoh. asik. asik :]

what is your most challenging goal right now? tanggal satu mei. final test. oh em gee. wish me luck. banyak bolos. banyak gk ngerti. gawad. harus belajar !! hiks T.T

what do you think about the person who tagged you? mmm. novilia and enjii. they both are fun and nice person. dan sama sama stay at Surabaya. tapi kok qta gk tw ketemu yah. hahaha. mmm

if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? duh. duh. dimana yah. saya bingung. hahaha. how about New York. is it sound fun. okay ?!

what would you like to have in your hands right now? henpon baruu :P tapi apa yah enuk nya. mmm. saya bingung :P

what would you like to get rid of? final test. asyeeem. aku gk siap tauk. es we teee. huhuhu. gemess. gemes :[

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? singapore. pengen ketemu sama kamuu. hehehe :P bole gk?

which language do you want to learn? chinese. oh em gee. syusaaah. nya. hik. hik. pie iki. huhuhu. help !! kemampuan otak ku terbatas. hahaha

what do you look for in a friend? fun and nice. gk banyak bacot. lil bit open minded :]

who do you want to meet in person? diri nya :D

what’s your favorite colour? white. yellow. gray. hahaha

what’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? stripes knit

what is your dream job? hv my own line. mmm

any favorite models? Daisy Lowe. Irina Lazareanu. Chikako Watanabe.

if you had £100 now what would you spend it on? shoes. and. shoes :D

favorite designer? marc jacobs

fashion pet peeve? kalo bisa bikin mata jadi sakit. perut jadi mules gt :P

do you admire anyone’s style? angguk angguk. why not ?!

describe your personal style? simple and casual

top 5 favorite websites? blogspot. facebook. we heart it. google. chictopia

ps : sorry. no tag :]

♥ credit : google images and we heart it

2 komentar:

naki mengatakan...

ayoo semangat2 ... kalo kepepet bikin kebetan aja , hihihihi

kamu pasti bisa :D

Diana Ang mengatakan...

hahaha. smangaat !!
tapi aku masi confuseee say :P