Dapet pe-er lagi ni dari Rollz. hehehe. dikerjain dulu yuk :D
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 7 People.
the age of my next birthdaya place I'd like to travel
a favourite place
a favourite food
a favourite thing
a favourite colour
a city I was born
a city that u have ever lived in
a nickname I had
college majorname of my love
a bad habit
a hobby
wishlist (3)
Tag ke : bingung ~ utang dulu yah teman teman hehehe :P
Sasa Bedul. Hansel. Judith Natalia. Tine. Evelynpy. Naki. Nissa
5 komentar:
hmmm..am gonna de 1st!
rajin bner ngumpulin gmbrnya satu2..kecil imut gitu pula,hohohoooo..
waduh buset sepertinya aku kagak bisa melanjutin tag kamu say...hemat pulsa speedy ahahahaha maybe next time
.. juneou : hehehe. bole bole :D
.. evelynpy : klo pake 1Gb mesti hemat hematan deh hahaha. gk mw pake speedy time based ae tah :P
nanti tak kerjain yaa , thanx ^0^
okay. jangan lupa dear :D
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